T. A. Abinandanan

T. A. Abinandanan

T. A. Abinandanan


Prof. Abinandanan is the Coordinator of the DST-Centre for Policy Research and a professor in the Department of Materials Engineering at IISc. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1991 in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. After a post-doctoral stint in France, he has been on the faculty of the Indian Institute of Science since 1993.

Workshop on Dissertation Expectations and Quality Criteria: Is it Enough to have a Good Dissertation? 12 Jan 2016

Workshop on Dissertation Expectations and Quality Criteria: Is it Enough to have a Good Dissertation? 12 Jan 2016

Workshop on Dissertation Expectations and Quality Criteria: Is it Enough to have a Good Dissertation? 12 Jan 2016

Update: The list of selected students appears at the end.

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The DST-CPR is pleased to announce a one-day Workshop entitled Dissertation Expectations and Quality Criteria: Is it Enough to have a Good Dissertation? to be held on 12 January 2016 (Tuesday). See below for a brief write-up about the Workshop.

The Workshop will be conducted by Prof. Maresi Nerad,  the founding director of the Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE) and Professor in the Leadership in Higher Education Program, College of Education, at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. [Please see her website for more details].  Prof. Nerad will be at DST-CPR as a Visiting Professor during December 2015 – January 2016. She has presented this type of Workshops in Germany (in many universities), the US, South Africa, and the Middle East.

Here’s a brief description of the Workshop:

Dissertation Expectations and Quality Criteria: Is it Enough to have a Good Dissertation? 

How do we know when a dissertation is outstanding, passing, or not satisfying? 

Much discussion worldwide has been about what competencies (knowledge, skills, and experiences) doctorate candidates should develop, how they acquire them, and whether the next generation of researchers is appropriately prepared for careers inside and outside academe (see Lovitts 2007). Little attention has been given to the role of the dissertation and the criteria for its quality. This workshop aims at highlighting the expectations and quality criteria by doctoral candidates and their professors on what is an original piece of research.

This workshop will focus first on quality criteria identified by the participants, second on those identified in a recent study by professors, and third it will end by asking whether producing a good dissertation is enough these days and what other qualifications are indeed needed.

Who should attend:  PhD scholars who have completed at least 2 years of doctoral studies, who know what they will do in their dissertation.

Structure of the Workshop: It will be a very interactive workshop, and participation is limited to just 20. With an initial input from the Instructor, all other activities  are group work, reflections, brainstorming, and role play.

Selection will be made to ensure a diversity of backgrounds, fields of  study, and types of institutions.

There is no registration fee. Also, travel expenses will be reimbursed at the applicable rates. Limited accommodation is available for outstation participants.

Registration: Interested PhD scholars may file an application by filling all the details in this form. If you are selected, please bring along a letter from your advisor endorsing your participation in the Workshop.

Last date for filing the application: 5 January 2016.

For further enquiries, please send an e-mail to: chairman@apc.iisc.ernet.in

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Update: Here is the First List of selected candidates (Additions to this list will be made later):

  1. Nimisha Agarwal [*], National Institute of Advanced Studies, Natural and Engineering Sciences
  2. Ajith Ashokan [*], IISER-Bhopal, Biological Sciences
  3. Aniket Basu Roy [*], IISc-Bangalore, Computer Science and Automation
  4. Sudarshan P Bhat [*], IISc, Ecological Sciences
  5. Jagriti Gangopadhyay [*], IIT-Gandhinagar, Humanities and Social Sciences
  6. V Vijay Girish K, IISc-Bangalore, Electrical Engineering
  7. Anupriya Gogna, IIIT-Delhi, Electronics and Communication Engineering
  8. Javed GS [*], IISc-Bangalore, Electrical Communication Engineering
  9. Smita Kamble [*], IISc-Bangalore, Materials Engineering
  10. Abhiruk Lahiri [*], IISc-Bangalore, Computer Science and Automation
  11. Mayamol T R [*], Academy of Medical sciences, Community Medicine
  12. Kanchan Mishra [*], TIFR-Mumbai, Homi Bhabha centre for Science Education
  13. Aishwarya Narayan [*], IIT-Bombay, Biosciences and Bioengineering
  14. Sudhir Pujahari [*], IISER-Pune, Mathematics
  15. Arijit Roy [*], IIT-Bombay, Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science
  16. Ankur Shringi [*], IISc-Bangalore, Ecological Sciences
  17. Vivek Srinivas [*], IIT-Bombay, Bioscience and Bioengineering
  18. Gaurav Tikas [*], IISc-Bangalore, Management Studies
  19. Amit Tripathi, IISc-Bangalore, Aerospace Engineering
  20. Asheesh Navneet [*], Institute for Social and Economic Change (Bangalore), Center for Political Institutions, Governance and Development
  21. Umesh Pratap Pandey [*], IISc-Bangalore, Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Note: [*] indicates confirmed participants.

Workshop: Dissertation Expectations and Quality Criteria: Is it Enough to have a Good Dissertation?
by Prof. Maresi Nerad

DST-CPR Discussion Series on Science for Policy & Policy for Science [Open Access Policy], 7 Jun 2017

DST-CPR Discussion Series on Science for Policy & Policy for Science  [Open Access Policy], 7 Jun 2017

DST-CPR Discussion Series on Science for Policy & Policy for Science [Open Access Policy]: 7 Jun 2017

DST-CPR Discussion Series on Science for Policy & Policy for Science  [Open Access Policy]: 7 Jun 2017 

Dear All, This is an open call for a meeting on “Science for Policy & Policy forScience” discussion. The topic of discussion for the upcoming meeting on7th of June is *Open Access Policy*.  Date   : 07-06-2017Day    : WednesdayTime   : 5:30 PMVenue  : The Seminar Hall, DST-CPR, Archives and Publications Cell, IISc Bangalore.Contact person: 8248169895email ID: chagun@apc.iisc.ernet.in Expert Panelists:       1. Subbaiah Arunachalam (Professor. DST-CPR-IISc);                        2. Francis Jayakanth (IISc, Bangalore);                        3. Madhan Muthu (Visiting Scientist, DST-CPR-IISc) Discussion Focus: Why Open Access is important to Science, particularly inIndia? When researchers publish their works in journals and conferenceproceedings, they would want their works to be read, cited, and built uponby as wide an audience as possible. Much of the scientific publicationsare being published by commercial publishers. Subscription costs of suchpublications are very high, constantly increasing, and beyond the means ofmost of the libraries. The high subscription costs create an accessbarrier to the scientific literature because of which the publications donot get the kind of visibility that the researchers would like to have.The lack of adequate visibility will reduce the potential impact of thepublications. This in turn could affect the advancement of knowledge. Itis therefore imperative that the access barrier to scientific literaturecreated because of high subscription costs should be overcome and thiscould be achieved through OA publishing. More Details: Open Access in India: Q&A with Prof. Subbiah Arunachalam(http://bit.ly/2qPXheE)  All are cordially invited to attend. PS: This is part of the policy discussion series scheduled for *first andthird Wednesday of every month*


Seminar on ORCID, 9 Nov 2015

Seminar on ORCID, 9 Nov 2015

Seminar on ORCID, 09 Nov 2015

Seminar on ORCID, 09 Nov 2015

DST – Centre for Policy Research
Archives and Publications Cell
invite you to a Seminar on

ORCID Status & Updates


Ms. Nobuko Miyairi
(Regional Director, Asia Pacific, ORCID)

at 3:30 p.m. on 9 November 2015 (Monday) in Golden Jubilee Hall, Department
of Electrical Communiction Engineering


ORCID [*] started its registry service in October 2012. I will introduce what ORCID is, and the progress made in the past three years. ORCID is not only a system to disambiguate researcher names with persistent identifiers, but also a global community effort to allow member organizations to implement authenticated workflows in handling researcher names and their work. The presentation will illustrate various ORCID adoptions to assist IISc in considering possible integrations of ORCID in your systems.

[*] ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID