Research Articles | Book Chapters | Reports | Working Papers | News and Media Articles | Policy Briefs
Mahuli A., Kumar S., Namdeo S.K (2023). Identification of strategic international partnerships among emergent global artificial intelligence policies. Cambridge Journal of Science Policy
Namdeo S.K., Vera N (2023). The contours of space diplomacy in the Global South. AAAS Journal Science & Diplomacy
Chaube, P.; Koley, M (2023). Does South Asia need a regional dialogue on Open Science?. Science Diplomacy. Vol 6(4). Perspective Article. Link:
Koley, M.; Lala, K. (2023). Limitations of the “Indian One Nation, One Subscription” Policy Proposal and a Way Forward. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science.
Namdeo S.K. (2022). Science and Technology Advancements and Biosecurity: New Horizons. Journal of Chemical and Biological Weapons.
Koley, M. (2022). Open Science in Drug Discovery: Addressing the Gaps in Traditional Model of Developing New Medicines. CSIR NScPR Science Diplomacy (2022). Vol 6. Perspective Article.
Koley, M. (2022). Analysis of Open Science Policy Recommendations Proposed in India’s 5th Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Draft. Journal of Science Policy & Governance. Vol 21, Issue 02. Link:
Koley, M.; Lala, K. (2022). Changing dynamics of scholarly publication: a perspective towards open access publishing and the proposed one nation, one subscription policy of India. Scientometrics. Link:
Koley, M.; Lala, K. (2022). Are Journal Archiving and Embargo Policies Impeding the Success of India’s Open Access Policies? Learned Publishing.
Peramunugamage, A. Kushwaha, P. K., Koley, M. et. al. (2021). Science for Diplomacy: Enabling a Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building Framework for Water and Sanitation in South Asia. RIS Science Diplomacy Review, 3, 27-40. Link:
Pandey, P., Valkenburg, G., & Bjiker, W. (in press). How Biofuel Policies Need to Embrace Multiplicity: Doing Policy-Relevant STS. East Asian Science Technology and Society.
Koley M., & Namdeo S.K., and Bhattacharjee S. Digital Technologies for Open and Equitable Sharing of Scholarly Knowledge in India (preprint).
Namdeo, S. K., & Goveas, J. J. (2021). Indian Innovation Diplomacy: Choices, Challenges and Way Ahead. Science Diplomacy Review. Volume 2, Issue 3.
Namdeo, S.K., & Koley M. (2021). Citizen Science in India: Introduction, Challenges, and Way Forward. DIALOGUE-Science, Scientist, and Society. link:
Pandey, P. (2021). ‘All we want is to get rid of the straw’: How Biofuel Policies need to be Multiple”, East Asian Journal of Science Technology and Society, Duke University Press (with Wiebe Bijker, Govert Valkenburg and Annapurna Mamidipudi).
Madhan M., Subbiah Gunasekaran, Rani M T, Subbiah Arunachalam, T A Abinandanan, (2020) Chemistry research in India in a global perspective- A scientometrics profile, Preprint Arxiv
Pandey, P. (2020) Responsible Research and Innovation in the Global South: Agriculture, Renewable Energy and the Pursuit of Symmetry—Special issue of Science, Technology & Society (Sage Publications, Open Access), co-edited with W.E. Bijker, G. Valkenburg and A. Mamidipudi, Volume 25, Issue 2.
Pandey, P. 2020. RRI’s ‘Commitment to Care’ and Vulnerability of Agricultural Systems: The ‘Problem’ of Rice Straw Burning in India, Science, Technology and Society,25 (2): 240-255, Sage Publications.
Pandey, P. 2020. Responsible Research and Innovation in the Global South: Agriculture, Renewable Energy and the Pursuit of Symmetry in Science, Technology and Society, 25 (2): 215-222. Sage Publications (with Wiebe Bijker, Govert Valkenburg and Annapurna Mamidipudi).
Pandey, P. (2020). Swinging between Responsibility and Rationality: Science Policy and Technology Visions in India in Linda Nierling and Helge Torgersen (ed.) Normativity and Technology Assessment,Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, Germany (with Aviram Sharma).
Pandey, P. (2020) Responsible Innovation as Empowering Ways of Knowing, Journal of Responsible Innovation, 7 (1), 06-25. Routledge (with G. Valkenburg, A. Mamidipudi, P. Pandey, W.E. Bijker).
Pandey, P., & Pansera, M. (2020). Bringing Laxmi and Saraswati together: Nano-scientists and academic entrepreneurship in India. Technology in Society, vol. 63, 101440.
Pandey, P., & Sharma, A. Knowledge politics, vulnerability and recognition-based justice: Public participation in renewable energy transitions in India. Energy Research & Social Science, Vol. 71, 101824.
Pandey, P. (2020). Transitioning to a Bio-Economy: Indian Initiatives in the Bioenergy Domain (June 12, 2020). Available at SSRN:
Nadella, V. K. (2020). Electoral Quotas, Redistribution, and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from India. In 32nd Annual Meeting. SASE.
Pandey, P. 2019. Technology Assessment in Global Perspective: The Indian Case in Miltos Ladikas and Julia Hahn (ed.) Towards a Global TA, KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Scientific Publishing, Germany (with Pranav Desai and Sachin Chaturvedi).
Pandey, P. 2019. Indian Perspectives on Responsible Innovation and Frugal Innovation in Rene Von Schomberg and Jonathan Hankins (ed.). International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: A Global Resource, Edward Elgar, UK (with Ravi Srinivas).
Madhan M., Ricky C. 2019. Directory of Open Educational Resources (DOER): A discovery service framework to provide structured access to OERs, Pan Commonwealth Forum 19, Edinburugh.
Venkat Nadella. Social Structure and Entrepreneurship: Welfare Consequences of Employment Choice in Rural and Urban India. Conference Proceedings of the Thirteenth Biennial Conference on Entrepreneurship 2019: Vol II, pp. 879-887.
Valkenburg, G., Mamidipudi, A., Pandey, P., & Bijker, W. E. (2019). Responsible innovation as empowering ways of knowing. Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol. 7 Issue. 1, 6-25.
Pandey P, Desai P.N, Chaturvedi S. Towards a Global TA. [Accepted for publication, KIT Scientific Publishing, Germany 2018].
Pandey, P. (2018). What Makes Research Responsible: An Indian Perspective? TATuP, 27 (3), 63-66.
Madhan M., Gunasekaran S. and Arunachlam S. (2018), Evaluation of research: Are we doing it right in India? International Journal of Medical Ethics.
Muthu M, Kimidi SS, Gunasekaran S, Arunachalam S (2016). Should Indian researchers pay to get their work published? Current Science 2017; Vol 112, No. 4, pp. 703-713.
Arunachalam, S. , Madhan, M. and Gunasekaran, S. Chemistry research in India: making progress, but not rapidly. Current Science 2017; Vol 112, No. 7, pp. 1330-1339.
Subbiah Arunachalam. Social Justice in Scholarly Publishing: Open Access Is the Only Way. The American Journal of Bioethics 2017: Vol 17, No. 10, pp. 15-17. DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2017.1366194.
Francis Jayakanth and Madhan M. Open Access for Engineers and Engineering. IEEE India Info 2017; Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 53-57.
Chagun Basha. Mapping Indian National STI to Garner 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Proceedings of RIS-ITEC Capacity Building Programme on Science Diplomacy, New Delhi 2017: pp 43-46.
Arunachalam S, Madhan M. Adopting ORCID as a unique identifier will benefit all involved in scholarly communication. The National Medical Journal of India 2016; Vol 29, No. 4, pp. 227–234.