Seminar on ORCID, 09 Nov 2015
Seminar on ORCID, 09 Nov 2015
DST – Centre for Policy Research
Archives and Publications Cell
invite you to a Seminar on
ORCID Status & Updates
Ms. Nobuko Miyairi
(Regional Director, Asia Pacific, ORCID)
at 3:30 p.m. on 9 November 2015 (Monday) in Golden Jubilee Hall, Department
of Electrical Communiction Engineering
ORCID [*] started its registry service in October 2012. I will introduce what ORCID is, and the progress made in the past three years. ORCID is not only a system to disambiguate researcher names with persistent identifiers, but also a global community effort to allow member organizations to implement authenticated workflows in handling researcher names and their work. The presentation will illustrate various ORCID adoptions to assist IISc in considering possible integrations of ORCID in your systems.
[*] ORCID: Open Researcher and Contributor ID