DST STI Policy Fellowship

DST Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Fellowship Programme


DST recognizes the importance of evidence-driven research and analysis in STI policymaking launched the Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Fellowship Programme (DST-STI-PFP) in 2016. This Programme has been floated to build a cadre of academic STI policy researchers and professionals in the country, such that these fellows may actively contribute in policy research and policymaking in academia, research organizations, and government.

DST-STI-PFP provides scientists, engineers and policy enthusiasts an opportunity to gain exposure from the close quarters of policymaking and contribute their knowledge and analytical skills in the STI policy realm. These initiatives started delivering results in various forms of impactful engagements. During the last few years, the initiative has seen expansion in terms of a) number of fellows involved, b) research footprint/ topics covered, c) national and international engagement, and d) events and capacity building initiatives. This resulted in providing knowledge support not just to DST but also to various S&T policymaking bodies.

The Fellowship Programme also provides an opportunity for policy-makers in various government departments and agencies to draw upon STI policy research expertise from this pool. STI Policy fellows have been deeply involved in the making of the upcoming Science, technology and Innovation Policy (STIP2020) as part of the STIP2020 Secretariat.

Broadly, the components of STI policy covered include STI Diplomacy, Equity and Inclusion in STI, Open Science, STI for Sustainable Development Goals, Policies to promote R&D, R&D Ecosystem Mapping, R&D and innovation indicators, STI Scoreboards and Indices, Data for Policy, Industry-Academia interaction, Technology transfer, STI and intellectual property rights (IPR), Science Entrepreneurship, Technology Commercialization, Technology trade and so on. 

The DST-STI-PFP fellowship has following 3 tracks:-

1. STI-Senior Policy Fellow

2. STI-Postdoctoral Policy Fellow

3. STI-Young Policy Professional


See DST notifications for more details :

2020-21: DST_STIP fellowship_5th PFP call

2019 : DST- STI PFP Call for Application 2019 

2018 : DST_STI_Policy_Fellowships-2018


*Based on DST notifications. Centre is managing the fellowship programme year 2020 onwards

DST-STI Policy Fellows

Senior Policy Fellows

Post-doctoral Policy Fellows

Young Policy Professionals