Relevance of Philosophy of Science for Science Policy

24th November, 2021  at  4:00 PM to 6:00 PM IST

 Science policy depends crucially on what we mean and understand by science. Science and Technology Studies (STS) today is a much professionalised discipline drawing upon other fields such as history of science, philosophy of science and sociology of science. STS offers a deeper understanding of the nature of science and technology, its relation to society and politics, the uniqueness of its social processes and so on. All of this matters deeply to science policy. In this talk, he will be discussing the insights we can take from a philosophy of science approach to the nature of science and the implications of it for science policy, especially for a country like ours. 

About the Speaker

Prof. Sundar Sarukkai

Works primarily in the philosophy of the natural and the social sciences. He is the founder of Barefoot Philosophers ( and is currently a Visiting Faculty at the Centre for Society and Policy, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is the author of the following books: Translating the World: Science and Language, Philosophy of Symmetry, Indian Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, What is Science?, JRD Tata and the Ethics of Philanthropy, Philosophy for Children, and two books co-authored with Gopal Guru – The Cracked Mirror: An Indian Debate on Experience and Theory and Experience, Caste and the Everyday Social. He is the Co-Chief Editor of the Springer Handbook of Logical Thought in India as well as the Series Editor for the Science and Technology Studies Series, Routledge.
Event Details
Date: 24th November, 2021 
Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (IST)
Location: Seminar Hall, Centre for Society and Policy (CSP), IISc