Suryesh K Namdeo

Suryesh K Namdeo

Suryesh K Namdeo

Project Scientist

Suryesh is currently a Project Scientist contributing to the science diplomacy, biosecurity and open science projects at the Centre. He has worked with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in Geneva as the science and technology consultant for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Here, his responsibilities included facilitating science diplomacy efforts for the BWC. He also prepared a long-term multi-stakeholder engagement strategy for the BWC.

He is a member of the Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS) where he is the coordinator for international relations. He is the Director of Outreach and Engagement of the Journal of Science Policy and Governance (JSPG). He has been a part of the Youth4Disarmament and Youth4Biosecurity initiatives of the United Nations. Here, he had the unique privilege to be a part of the drafting committee of the UN supported ‘Seoul Youth Declaration for Disarmament and Non-proliferation’ and the ‘Youth Declaration for Biosecurity’.

He has earlier worked as the Programme Officer for the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy Fellowship Programme of the Department of Science and Technology at the Centre. His responsibilities included the overall coordination of the programme, capacity development and partnership building.

He is a member of the executive team of the Science Policy Forum, an open, independent and collaborative platform that aims to strengthen science policy linkages. Here, he was a member of the core team managing its Emerging Technologies Initiative in partnership with NEST Division, Ministry of External Affairs and the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.

He holds a PhD in molecular biology from the Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany. He also holds a Master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune and a Diploma in Biology from JNCASR Bengaluru. He has published several peer-reviewed articles and participated in international workshops and conferences around the world.

Recent Publications:

UN conference report on ‘Science and Technology Developments: Benefits and Risks for the Biological Weapons Convention’. United Nations (2023).

Emerging biological risks: The shadow side of technological progress. IndiaBioscience (2023).

‘Multi-stakeholder Engagement Strategy to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention’ submitted to the UN (2023).

Identification of strategic international partnerships among emergent global artificial intelligence policies. Cambridge Journal of Science Policy (2023).

India’s G20 Presidency: Charting the course of international science policy. IndiaBioscience (2023).

The contours of space diplomacy in the Global South AAAS Journal Science & Diplomacy (2023).

8 Strategies to communicate science effectively to policymakers. Apolitical (2023).

Science and Technology Advancements and Biosecurity: New Horizons. Journal of Chemical and Biological Weapons (2022).

Youth Declaration for Biosecurity

Seoul Youth Declaration for Disarmament

Namdeo, S. K., & Goveas, J. J. (2021). Indian Innovation Diplomacy: Choices, Challenges and Way Ahead. Science Diplomacy Review. Volume 2, Issue 3.

Namdeo, S.K., & Koley M. (2021). Citizen Science in India: Introduction, Challenges, and Way Forward. DIALOGUE-Science, Scientist, and Society. link: 

Koley M., & Namdeo S.K., and Bhathacharjee S. Digital Technologies for Open and Equitable Sharing of Scholarly Knowledge in India.

Namdeo, S. K. & Parvatam, S. (2021, March 4). Citizen science- A solution to fake information? No. 526 [Audio podcast episode 526]. In All things Policy. The Takshashila Institution.

Goveas, J.J. & Namdeo, S. K. (2021, February 18). A toast to the Indian decade of innovation. Times of India

Namdeo, S. K. & Parvatam, S. (2021, February 7). ‘Citizen Science’ can help India boost its scientific understanding, curb what’s app pseudo-science. The Print.

Namdeo, S. K. & Parvatam, S. (2020, November 5). Overdue: a formal internship policy in India that protects its students. The Wire Science.

Namdeo, S.K., Goveas, J.J. & Manjegwah, Z. (2020, September 7). Looking Inside InnSciD SP 2020. Science Policy Forum. Retrieved from

Namdeo, S. K. (2020, August 24). Towards an Internship Policy in STEM. Science Policy Forum.

M Madhan

M Madhan

M Madhan

Visiting Scholar

Librarian, azim premji university

Madhan is a librarian by profession and he has more than 20 years experience in research and academic librarianship.  His research interests are scientometrics, and open access to scholarly publications.  His other interests are open data, open educational resources and library technologies.

Research papers:

Muthu Madhan, Subbiah Gunasekaran, Rani M T, Subbiah Arunachalam, T A Abinandanan, (2020) Chemistry research in India in a global perspective- A scientometrics profile, Preprint Arxiv

Muthu Madhan, Ricky Cheng, 2019, Directory of Open Educational Resources (DOER): A discovery service framework to provide structured access to OERs, Pan Commonwealth Forum 19, Edinburugh 

Muthu Madhan, Subbiah Gunasekaran and Subbiah Arunachlam (2018), Evaluation of research: Are we doing it right in India? International Journal of Medical Ethics, <> 

Francis Jayakanth and Muthu Madhan (2017), Open Access for Engineers and Engineering, IEEE Newsletter <> 

Subbiah Arunachalam and Muthu Madhan (2017), Chemistry research in India: Making progress, but not rapidly. Current Science 112 (7) < > 

Muthu Madhan, Siva Shankar Kimidi, Subbiah Gunasekaran and Subbiah Arunachalam (2017), Should Indian researchers pay to publish their papers? Current Science 112 (4)  

Subbiah Arunachalam and Muthu Madhan (2016), Adopting ORCID as a unique identifier will benefit all involved in scholarly communication, National Medical Journal of India, 29(4) <>

Muthu Madhan and Subbiah Arunachalam (2011), Use made of open access journals by Indian researchers to publish their findings, Current Science, 100(9), P 1297-1306

Muthu Madhan, Chandrasekar, G and Subbiah Arunachalam (2010), Highly cited papers from India and China, Current Science, 99(6), P 738 – 749



Muthu Madhan (2015), Quantitative features of Indian School of Business (ISB) research output – A bibliometric analysis using Scopus.  Report commissioned by Learning Resource Centre, ISB. 

 Muthu Madhan (2014), A Global View of Open Access: A perspective on OA in India, Tony Hey on eScience Blog 

Madhan, M and Siva Shankar, K (2013) Mapping world chickpea research published during 2001-2010. Project Report. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 

Madhan, M and Siva Shankar, K (2013) Mapping world pearl millet research published during 2001-2010. Project Report. International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. 

Subbiah Arunachalam and Muthu Madhan (2012), Open Access to scholarly literature in India – Report commissioned by Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Bangalore

Subbiah Arunachalam and Muthu Madhan, (2010), Scientometric profile of Dr V Mohan, an Indian Diabetalogist, Report Commissioned by Madras Diabetes Research Foundation (MDRF), Chennai


 “Muthu Madhan: One nation one subscription is an elusive goal” Open interview. December 12, 2020.

B. Chagun Basha

B. Chagun Basha

B. Chagun Basha

Chief Policy adviser

B. Chagun Basha, is currently a Chief Policy Adviser at the OPSA-Policy Analytics and Insights Unit, IISc.  Dr. Basha had been with the Office of Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India as Senior Technical Specialist. His work is organized around 3 verticals: STI Data, Policy and Diplomacy. Previously, he was with Department of Science & Technology (Government of India) – Centre for Policy Research (DST-CPR) at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He belongs to the first cohort of DST-Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Fellowship Programme (DST-STI-PFP 2016). Before that, he worked as a Senior Science & Technology Insights Analyst with open-innovation industry.

Dr. Basha holds a Ph.D. in Space Electronics from the L’institut d’électronique et de télécommunications de Rennes (UMR CNRS 6164) at the University of Rennes 1, France and thereafter continued his post-doctoral research at École Polytechnique de l’Université de Nantes, France. Prior to that, he was with INRIA-Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires (UMR CNRS 6074) as a Research Fellow.

His interest areas, in the broader STI policy realm, include STI Diplomacy, Measurement and Metrics for STI, and Science Advice.

Maresi Nerad

Maresi Nerad

Prof. Maresi Nerad

Visiting Professor

Maresi Nerad is the founding director of the Center for Innovation and Research in Graduate Education (CIRGE) and a Professor for Higher Education, College of Education, at the University of Washington, Seattle and an affiliated professor at the Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE) at the University of California, Berkeley. A native of Germany, Dr. Nerad received her doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley; directed research in the central Graduate Division of UC Berkeley, served as Dean in Residence at the Council of Graduate Schools, D.C. (the professional association of US Graduate Deans), and as Associate Dean of the UW central Graduate School. She was appointed as distinguished Mieguanyah Fellow by the Graduate School of the University of Melbourne, Australia, as Professor Extraordinary by the University of the Free State, South Africa, and received the Fulbright Specialist award. She was a visiting professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, at Nagoya University, Japan and at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India.

She has served on many national and international review committees and advisory boards, such as the International Advisory Committee for Science and Engineering of NSF (US), the National Academies Panel to evaluate the NSF/NCSES approach to measuring the US Science and Engineering Workforce, the U.S. National Research Council, the German Excellence Initiative, the Presidential Innovation Board of the University of Bremen, Germany, the Graduate Academy of the Goethe University of Frankfurt. She has undertaken evaluation research for flagship interdisciplinary doctoral programs in the U.S. (NSF/IGERT), in Germany, and for the European Commission (ITN). She has written and edited 5 books and published numerous articles on doctoral education (Towards a Global PhD? Globalization and the Impact on the Quality on Doctoral Education).

Most recently she has secured funding and co-organized an international workshop and conference on Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide in Difficult Political Times (VW Foundation) in September 1-5, 2019 in Hannover Germany. The resulting book, Towards a Core Value System in Doctoral Education, UCL Press will appear in spring 2022. Resulting policy recommendations are to be found under

She publishes with current and former students, advises and coaches on a broad range of issues in doctoral education and in early research careers worldwide and currently is investigating Taboos in Doctoral Education Across Countries.

S. Arunachalam

S. Arunachalam

Prof. S. Arunachalam is globally known for his expertise in Scientometrics and their use for assessing the research impact on a wide scale ranging from individuals and departments to institutions and countries.  His interests includes scientometrics, science policy, information science, public understanding of science, openness in scholarly communication, ICT for Development and rural knowledge centres and improving information access, both for scientists and for the rural poor. He is one of the earliest in the developing countries to use citation indexes to study developments in science and science policy. He was instrumental in CSIR, DBT and DST adopting Green open access as official policy.

T. A. Abinandanan

T. A. Abinandanan

T. A. Abinandanan


Prof. Abinandanan is the Coordinator of the DST-Centre for Policy Research and a professor in the Department of Materials Engineering at IISc. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1991 in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science from Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. After a post-doctoral stint in France, he has been on the faculty of the Indian Institute of Science since 1993.