Young Scientists Learning Open Science

Young Scientists Learning Open Science

Young Scientists Learning Open Science

25 November 2021 at  3.30 pm to 5.30 pm (IST)

DST-CPR-IISc is happy to invite you for a digital conversation on “Young Scientists Learning Open Science”. This event is jointly organised by the Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), DST Centre for Policy Research, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, the UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, and DBT/Wellcome Trust India Alliance to discuss the implications of the UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers, the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, Science with & for society, and the Government of India’s STI Policy, with the special focus on:

1. Responsible Research and Innovation

2. Public engagement

3. Science communication

4. Inclusion of multiple epistemologies and experiential knowledge in scientific research

5. Ethical issues in open source publications, field research and Indigenous protocols

The pandemic for the past two years has brought the roles of science, scientists, and scientific research institutions into public debate. It has created a context where connections between science and society are needed to be anchored on a new framework of openness and mutuality.

As the policy brief of Open Science Beyond Open Access observes “There are three main dimensions of scientific openness: openness to publications and data, openness to society, and openness to excluded knowledge and epistemologies.” The final draft of the UNESCO Open Science Recommendation, which also incorporates these expanded meanings of ‘open science’, has now been adopted by the Member States this month in Paris. Similar ideas are adopted in the final draft of the 5th National Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Policy of the Government of India. The Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) policy of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, already makes mention of the need for engaging with diverse stakeholders to improve the impacts of science on society.

Likewise, the UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers adopted in 2017 has particular value today, especially in the Global South, in recognising the role of science in promoting “common good” and in emphasising the use of results of scientific research and development with a spirit of responsibility towards humankind and the environment.

Such testimonials create a space for science and technology systems and institutions to change and become more “open”. New conversations among scientists, science communicators, scientific researchers and civil society have begun to emerge as the need for a robust ecosystem to make science work with and for society is becoming more apparent. The experiences of the pandemic have also generated more significant public discourse about the accountability of science to society. In many regions of the world, new ways of promoting public engagement with and for science have been practised through an enabling policy framework. The European Union’s focus on Responsible Research & Innovations (RRI) has integrated several such features. There is now a growing recognition to synergise knowledge production and dissemination on such critical issues as the environment, health and food systems. A large portion of which is being carried out on the ground by a host of civil society actors in the country through community-based participatory research  with the partnerships of academics with local communities.

Event Details

Date: 25 November 2021

Time: 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm (IST)

Meeting link:

Relevance of Philosophy of Science for Science Policy

Relevance of Philosophy of Science for Science Policy


Relevance of Philosophy of Science for Science Policy

24th November, 2021  at  4:00 PM to 6:00 PM IST

 Science policy depends crucially on what we mean and understand by science. Science and Technology Studies (STS) today is a much professionalised discipline drawing upon other fields such as history of science, philosophy of science and sociology of science. STS offers a deeper understanding of the nature of science and technology, its relation to society and politics, the uniqueness of its social processes and so on. All of this matters deeply to science policy. In this talk, he will be discussing the insights we can take from a philosophy of science approach to the nature of science and the implications of it for science policy, especially for a country like ours. 

About the Speaker

Prof. Sundar Sarukkai

Works primarily in the philosophy of the natural and the social sciences. He is the founder of Barefoot Philosophers ( and is currently a Visiting Faculty at the Centre for Society and Policy, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He is the author of the following books: Translating the World: Science and Language, Philosophy of Symmetry, Indian Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, What is Science?, JRD Tata and the Ethics of Philanthropy, Philosophy for Children, and two books co-authored with Gopal Guru – The Cracked Mirror: An Indian Debate on Experience and Theory and Experience, Caste and the Everyday Social. He is the Co-Chief Editor of the Springer Handbook of Logical Thought in India as well as the Series Editor for the Science and Technology Studies Series, Routledge.
Event Details
Date: 24th November, 2021 
Time: 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (IST)
Location: Seminar Hall, Centre for Society and Policy (CSP), IISc

Certificate Programme Participatory Science Advice for Policy Making

Certificate Programme Participatory Science Advice for Policy Making


Certificate Programme: ‘Participatory Science Advice for Policy Making’

On 11th & 14th December 2021,  Time 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM IST  

The Department of Science and Technology’s Centre for Policy Research (DST-CPR) at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in conjunction with the Science Policy Forum and Global Young Academy is organising a virtual two-day certificate program titled “Participatory Science Advice for Policy Making” funded under the INGSA-Asia Grassroots Science Advice Promotion Awards 2021. STEM Scientists and academicians from South Asia will learn about the role of Science Advice in national policymaking through the example of India’s new Science Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP).

Workshop description

The COVID-19 pandemic brought to the fore our dependence on scientific research and technological innovation to develop quick and effective solutions. The timely need for vaccines is reflected in other global issues which have ticking clocks. The call for climate action is another such example that this month’s COP26 shone a light on. While each global issue requires unique scientific and technological developments they are undoubtedly aided by a structured plan of action. This is where the need for a well-oiled evidence-driven science-policy mechanism backed by robust scientific advice steps in. 

A sustainable recovery path requires scientists to play a significant role in educating policymakers and the public. Only through evidence-based research and its communication can comprehensive and effective policies be formulated. Therefore, bridging the gap that exists between these two parties is essential.

1. The policymakers who make key decisions on funding patterns and allocation of resources.

2. The researchers and academicians who work at the grassroots of the STI ecosystem.

We know the first one well. The second is what this workshop aims to empower.

Through open conversations on science policy and the tools of advocacy, workshop attendees will be equipped to contribute to the larger government science advice mechanism.  

The workshop will focus on how it was grassroots science advice that played an integral role in formulating two chapters of the STIP, ‘Open Science’ and ‘Science Communication and Public Engagement’. Through lectures, open conversations with experts and practical activities, attendees will understand the value of Science Advice for STEM stakeholders (scientists, researchers and academicians) in promoting effective policy change. Attendees will also be equipped with the various tools required to develop the skills needed to create evidence-based policy changes. Attendees would test their newfound knowledge through a concluding policy memo contest where the most effective memo would be awarded. Finally, the workshop would create a network of empowered young scientists and academicians to drive the science advice mechanism from the grassroots up. 

Organising Team

Dr. Jenice Jean GoveasDr. Moumita Koley (Recipients of INGSA- Asia grant for the promotion of grassroots Science Advice and Postdoctoral Fellows, DST-CPR, IISc)

Dr. Karishma Kaushik (Global Young Academy- Science Diplomacy in South Asia Working group Project Leader)

Dr. Chagun Basha (Founder, Science Policy Forum)

Aishwarya Viswamitra (Intern)

Event Details
From: 04/12/2021 10:00 am (IST)
To: 11/12/2021 1:00 pm (IST)
Location: Online
Registration Deadline

International Open Access Week-2021

International Open Access Week-2021

Update: Here’s the the YouTube playlist of this event’s videos.

DST-Centre for Policy Research (CPR), Centre for Society and Policy, Indian Institute of Science and J.R.D. Tata Memorial Library, Indian Institute of Science, invite you to the (online) event to observe and celebrate the International Open Access Week 2021; the session will feature three lectures; see below for details. This year’s OA Week event at IISc is the fifth in a series. It is also special, since it is being held in honour of Prof. Arunachalam, a champion of the open access movement in India, who turned 80 in September 2021. The event theme is in alignment with this year’s OA Week theme: “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.”

Date: 29 October 2021

Time: 7.30 PM (IST) | 2.00 PM (GMT) | 10 AM (EDT)

Venue: MS Teams (link below)

Click here to join the meeting

Padmanabhan Balaram, Former Director, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru-On Subbiah Arunachalam’s work on Scientometrics, Open Access Movement

    Heather Joseph, Executive Director, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)-On Open by Default and Equitable by Design: The Future of the Open Access Movement

Abstract: The Future of the Open Access Movement: The Open Access movement is about to mark its 20th anniversary. At a meeting convened in Budapest by the Open Society Institute in December of 2001, a small but diverse group met to explore ways to accelerate progress in the international effort to make research articles freely available on the internet.  They explored the most effective and affordable strategies for serving the interests of the researchers and the institutions that support research, examined ways to make the transition to open access and economically self-sustaining, and discussed how separate initiatives could best work together to achieve broader success. The result was the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI), which offered the first definition of open access. The BOAI is a statement of principle, a statement of strategy, and a statement of commitment. Two decades later, while much progress has been made, significant work remains to be done. This talk will explore the key challenges facing the Open Access movement and propose areas of concentration to ensure that global research enterprise is one that is truly open by default, and equitable by design.

      Leslie Chan, Professor, University of Toronto, Scarborough, Canada- On Opening Sciences from Below

Abstract: Mainstream discourses have tended to frame Open Science as a set of neutral standards, tools, and practices to be followed, often with the objective of pursuing utilitarian or market-driven outcomes. This talk reflects on some of these framings and proposes other ways of conceiving open science, considering both the benefits and the potential harms to communities affected by the research. Drawing lessons from OCSDNet and the Open Science and Decolonization of Knowledge project, I outline an inclusive, open science involving a highly dynamic process of negotiating and challenging power relations within highly situated socio-political contexts and involving actors and institutions, and communities with varying claims for knowledge legitimacy. Science policy-making needs to take these power imbalances into account so as not to perpetuate and exacerbate existing inequities.

About the Speakers:

Padmanabhan Balaram is a renowned Indian scientist and former director of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. He is a recipient of the third highest Indian civilian honour of Padma Bhushan (2014) and the TWAS Prize (1994). Recently, Prof. Balaram has been conferred with R. Bruce Merrifield Award (2021) by the American Peptide Society. He has also been the Editor of Current Science from 1995-2013.

Heather Joseph is a United States-based advocate for open access and particularly academic journal publishing reform. She is the Executive Director of the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and a member of the PLOS Board of Directors. Under her stewardship, SPARC has become widely recognised as the leading international force for effective open access policies and practices. Among her many achievements, she convened the Alliance for Taxpayer Access and the Open Access Working Group, which provided critical advocacy for establishing the landmark, 2008 NIH Public Access Policy and the 2013 White House Memorandum on Public Access to Federally Funded Research. She is the recipient of the Miles Conrad Award-2021 from NISO (National Information Standards Organization).

Leslie Chan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Global Development Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough and the director of the Knowledge Equity Lab. An early practitioner of the Web for scholarly exchange and online learning, Leslie is particularly interested in the role and design of network in the flow of knowledge and their impact on local and international development. As one of the original signatories of the Budapest Open Access Initiative, Leslie has been active in the experimentation and implementation of scholarly communication initiatives of varying scales around the world. Leslie has also been exploring the dynamics of university-community partnership and the meanings around knowledge co-creation, participatory research, and how community engaged modes of knowledge production could contribute to equitable frameworks of valuing diverse knowledges. Since 2000, Leslie has been serving as the director of Bioline International, an open access platform for scientific journals from the global south. He is on the advisory board of several international organizations, including the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and the steering committee of Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI).


DST – CPR, IISc Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Governance in India

DST – CPR, IISc Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Governance in India

DST-CPR-IISc Policy Lecture Series

Lecture 2

STI Governance: Institutional Mechanisms and Policy Intervention
Date: 15th September 2021,  Time 4:30 PM  

STI governance is a set of defined institutional arrangements and associated policy positions that shape the ways in which Research, Technology and Innovation is governed within the larger socio-economic ecosystem. India’s STI governance mechanism is primarily facilitated through Prime Minister’s Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC), Empowered Technology Group (ETG) and recently announced National Research Foundation (NRF). These mechanisms, through collective stakeholder engagements, result in appropriate policy interventions that impact various aspects of our S&T and Innovation landscape.

About the Speaker

Dr. Arabinda Mitra

Scientific Secretary, Office of the Principal Scientific Advisor to    Government of India

Arabinda Mitra holds a PhD in Marine Geology from University of Cambridge, U.K. As an Earth Scientist by training, he has held various scientific positions in the Departments of Atomic Energy; Ocean Development (now Ministry of Earth Sciences); and Science & Technology of the Government of India.  At the National Centre for Polar & Ocean Research, Goa, he played a seminal role in formulating and implementing the long-term science strategy of the Indian Antarctic expedition and establishing the low temperature ice-core laboratory. In 2004, Dr. Mitra was appointed as the first Executive Director of the bi-national Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum.  He proficiently enriched the scope and contents of Indo-American cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation by linking academia, research laboratories and industry. Dr. Mitra assumed the position of Adviser & Head International (Bilateral) Cooperation at the Department of Science & Technology in 2011, where he oversaw India’s bilateral STI engagements with 44 countries across the globe including collaboration with Africa. In 2018, he was appointed as the Scientific Secretary in the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India with the mandate to assess the national status in emerging scientific and technological domains, formulate policy interventions, develop national missions in S&T and render periodic advice to the Government.

He has won several academic awards including Cambridge-Nehru Fellowship, ORS Award of UK; Bursary Award of St. Edmund’s College UK; JSPS Award of Japan and was elected as a Fellow of the Geological Society, London. He has been a member of the Indian expedition to Antarctica and has undertaken several scientific cruises to the Indian, Atlantic and Southern Oceans.

Click here to join the lecture on 15th September, 4:30PM

DST – CPR, IISc Policy Lecture Series-Building Research Universities

DST – CPR, IISc Policy Lecture Series-Building Research Universities

DST-CPR-IISc Policy Lecture Series

Lecture 1

‘Building Research Universities’
Date: 11th August 2021,  Time 4:00 PM – 5:00PM  

Research universities (RUs) are those degree-granting institutions which strongly emphasize their research mission while providing excellence and leadership in education, and whose systems are aligned to succeed in this mission. A large higher education system is necessarily a differentiated system of which RUs are a small, but essential and important portion. The seminar will briefly discuss the criticality of RUs even in a relatively poor country like India, and how RUs can be differentiated from the rest. It then mentions some key characteristics of a RU and briefly discusses them – these provide pointers for a university regarding what it can do to improve as a RU, and what can be done to develop strong RUs in the overall HE system.

About the Speaker

 Prof. Pankaj Jalote

Distinguished Professor (CSE), IIIT- Delhi

Pankaj Jalote is Distinguished Professor at IIIT-Delhi, of which he is also the founding Director. Prior to this, he has been a Chair Professor at IIT Delhi, Head of the  Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the IIT Kanpur, and an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland at College Park. 

On leave from academia, he was Vice President at Infosys Technologies Ltd. for 2 years, and a Visiting Researcher at Microsoft Corporation, Redmond for a year. He has a B.Tech. from IIT Kanpur, MS from Pennsylvania State University, and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

He is the author of five books including the highly acclaimed CMM in Practice, which has been translated in Chinese, Japanese, Korean etc, and the best selling textbook An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering. He has recently authored Building Research Universities in India (SAGE, Nov 2020). 

He writes a blog on Higher Education in India ( ) and has written many opinion articles in leading newspapers. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and INAE.

Click here to join the lecture on 11th August, 4:00PM

International Women’s Day: Mainstreaming Gender in STEM: Policies and Practices

International Women’s Day: Mainstreaming Gender in STEM: Policies and Practices

Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India and DST-Centre for Policy Research – IISc Bangalore

invite you to a Panel discussion on

Mainstreaming Gender in STEM: Policies and Practices

Date: 8th March 2021,  Time 6:00 PM IST Onwards
Live on YouTube

Click here to Register

Among the global efforts towards sustainable development goals, addressing Gender Inclusion and Equity is essential to leverage the untapped potential of women trained and educated in STEM. The panel discussion will deliberate on various policies and best practices at national, regional and global levels, and challenges and opportunities in planning and implementation of such interventions, models and frameworks for addressing gender inequities and biases in STEM and STI.

The Panel discussion will revolve around following dimensions:

1. Trends and trajectories of gender disparities in STEM in developed and developing countries

2. Socio-economic, cultural and institutional transformations and best practices in bringing gender inclusion

3. Challenges and way forward in replicating and contextualising policies, frameworks and models for gender mainstreaming in STI


Dr. Anita Gupta

Adviser and Head, National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India


Ms. Janaka Pushpanathan

Director British Council, South India

Dr. Maan Singh Sidhu

Science, Technology and Higher Education Counsellor, Royal Norwegian Embassy in India

Dr. Tonya Blowers

Programme Coordinator, Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)

Dr. Mahaletchumy Arujanan

Global Coordinator of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agribiotech Applications (ISAAA)

Executive Director of Malaysian Biotechnology Information Center (MABIC)


Dr. Nimita Pandey

STI Postdoctoral Policy Fellow, Centre for Policy Research, Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc)

International Women's day: Mainstreaming Gender in STEM- Policies and Practices


Dr. Nimita Pandey

Dr. Pragya Chaube

Mr. Nabil Ahmad Afifi




Dr. Jenice Jean Goveas

Dr. Suryesh K Namdeo

Ms. Pranita Khaire


Prof. T A Abinandanan

Panel Discussion on Open data for Rare diseases

Panel Discussion on Open data for Rare diseases

Discussion on Open data for Rare diseases : An Indian Perspective

Organised by DST-Centre for Policy Research at the Centre for Society and Policy, Indian Institute of Science
Date: 25th February 2021,  Time 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM IST

Click here to Register


Prof. Vijay Chandru

Faculty at the Centre for BioSystems Science and Engineering at IISc.

Executive advisor for healthcare to ARTPark, an innovation hub of DST at IISc.

Founder, OPFORD (Open Platform for Rare Diseases) Foundation.

Commissioner, Lancet Citizens Commission for Reimagining India’s Health Systems.

Prof. Arkalgud Ramaprasad

Director of the Ramaiah Public Policy Center, Bengaluru, India. 

Professor Emeritus of Information and Decision Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.


Dr. Harsha Rajasimha

Founder and CEO, Jeeva Informatics Solutions Inc., Tysons Corner, VA, USA. 

Founder Chairman, Indo US Organization for Rare Diseases, Herndon, VA, USA.

Dr. Shilpi Bhattacharya

Professor of Law at Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, India 

Trustee of World Without GNE Myopathy (WWGM).

Discussion on Open data for Rare diseases : An Indian Perspective


Dr. Mohua Chakraborty Choudhury 

Dr. Pragya Chaube 

Event Coordinators

Dr. Mohua Chakraborty Choudhury

Dr. Moumita Koley

Dr. Pragya Chaube

Dr. Gautam Sharma

Mr. Nabil Ahmad Afifi

DST CPR Center Head

Prof. T. A. Abinandanan

Joint workshop on ‘Science Technology and Innovation Policy for Transformative Change’ – SPRU & DST CPR

Joint workshop on ‘Science Technology and Innovation Policy for Transformative Change’ – SPRU & DST CPR
18 Feb 14:30-17.30 IST
19 Feb 14:30-17.30 IST
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, India

As the world continues to tackle the pandemic and persistent sustainability challenges, Science Technology and Innovation (STI) is increasingly recognised as a key driver for much-needed change in society and economy. In the mid-2020, The Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India initiated a process of formulating India’s National Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (STIP). After several months of public and expert consultation, the 5th National STI policy – with its core principles being decentralized, evidence-informed, bottom-up, experts-driven and inclusive – is now drafted and open for further feedback. The Department of Science and Technology (DST) has built a STI Policy cadre consisting of DST-STI-Policy fellows that are part of STIP Secretariat at DST. These fellows are simultaneously pursuing their research projects in STI Policy research domain.

Transformative Innovation Policy

SPRU has engaged with STI policy research for several decades. In the most recent years, a transdisciplinary project named Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium was launched. In this project, we advanced the notion of “Transformative innovation Policy” (TIP) as a new frame of innovation policy aimed at addressing the persistent sustainability challenges that the world is facing today. At the core of TIP theory, is the idea of transformations in socio-technical systems in an experimental and inclusive manner. The knowledge and competence of SPRU on societal transformations and innovation is however broader than the research project of TIPC and includes many interdisciplinary scholars whose work is dedicated to this critical area of research.

The expected learning objectives of this workshop are as follows:


  • Critically engage with the theoretical foundations of transformative innovation policy from a Global South perspective
  • Learn about policy experimentation work at the Consortium
  • Debate theories and examples of transformative change with SPRU colleagues


  • Critically engage with the contents of a new national STI policy for India
  • Learn about the process of making of a STI policy at the national level
  • Understand the STI ecosystem of India and the contextual nature of transformations from Indian colleagues

A longer-term objective of this workshop is to create a STI Policy knowledge network to pursue collaborative research projects in the future.

Confirmed sessions of the workshop:

  • Highlights of India’s STI policy and the participatory process of formulating it
  • Highlights of the Transformative Innovation Policy consortium work in South Africa, Sweden and Colombia in 2020
  • A brief history of Science Technology and Innovation Policy of the world in the 21st century
  • Health system transition in India through the lens of STI policy
  • SPRU’s engagement in STI policy in the Global South in the past 50 years
  • Analysis of the Data Governance regulations in the Indian context
  • Short presentations of scholars in SPRU, TIPC, and DST-CPRs on their STI policy research
  • Debates and moderated discussion in small groups on 8 themes of STI policy
See the links below for
Detailed Programme
Click here for Registration
Deadline: 14th February, 2021 (limited seats, register fast!!)


Suryesh K Namdeo (DST-CPR-IISc)

Radhika Trikha (DST-CPR-PU)

Saumya Pathak (DST-CPR-BBAU Lucknow) 

Anurag Panda (DST-CPR-IIT Delhi)

Pragya Chaube (DST-CPR-IISc)


Bipashyee Ghosh (SPRU)

Sumit Kumar (SPRU)

Pip Bolton (SPRU) 

Christina Miariti (SPRU)

Joint workshop on ‘Science Technology and Innovation Policy for Transformative Change’ – SPRU & DST CPR

Discussion on the Draft of 5th National STI Policy

Discussion on the Draft of 5th National STI Policy

       Discussion on the Draft 5th National STI Policy

Organised by DST-Centre for Policy Research at the Centre for Society and Policy, Indian Institute of Science
       Date: 24th January 2021                                               Time: 4:15 PM – 7:00 PM

Open Science – The Way Forward for India

Time: 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM 

Click here to Join the Meeting 

Prof. Rajesh Tandon

Prof. Rajesh Tandon is an internationally acclaimed leader and practitioner of participatory research and development. He is Founder-President of Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), a global centre for participatory research & training since 1982. He is also Co-Chair of the UNESCO Chair on Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education since 2012. He also heads the Forum for Indian Development Corporation (FIDC) as its chairperson.

Prof. Amitabh Joshi

Prof. Amitabh Joshi is a Professor at JNCASR Bangalore, a J. C. Bose National Fellow and the Editor-of-Publications, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. He is also a Founding Member, and Member, Executive Council of Indian Society of Evolutionary Biologists.

Prof. Sudeshna Sarkar

Prof. Sudeshna Sarkar is a Professor at the Computer Science & Engineering Department and the Head of Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence at IIT Kharagpur. Her broad topics of interest span different areas of Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing.


Fostering Research and Innovation: The Road towards Self Reliance

Time: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM 

Click here to Join the Meeting 

Prof. Rishikesha T. Krishnan

Prof. Rishikesha Krishnan is Director and Professor of Strategy at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM B). He was earlier Director of IIM Indore. He held the Jamuna Raghavan Chair in Entrepreneurship at IIMB from 2007 to 2010. His main areas of interest are strategy and innovation. He has been listed in the Thinkers50 India list of most influential management thinkers from India.

Prof. Navakanta Bhat

Prof. Navakanta Bhat is the Chairperson, Centre for Nano Science and Engineering at IISc Bangalore. He was awarded the Infosys Prize 2018 in Engineering and Computer Science.

Dr. Tabassum Jamal

Dr. Tabassum Jamal has worked as Chief Scientist at CSIR National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies (NISTADS). Her long experience with CSIR-NISTADS has contributed significantly in the area of Technology and Social Change.

Dr. Radha Rangarajan

Dr. Radha Rangarajan is the Chief Scientific Officer at HealthCube, responsible for product development, clinical validation and regulatory affairs. She has almost two decades of R&D experience in industry and academia. She was awarded the FICCI Award of Excellence-Women in R&D in 2019. She was selected for the “Champions of Change” initiative of Prime Minister Modi and the NITI Aayog in 2017.

Discussion on the Draft 5th National STI Policy