Panel Discussion on Equitable Access to Knowledge

Panel Discussion on Equitable Access to Knowledge

Panel Discussion on “Equitable Access to Knowledge”

Panel Discussion


“Equitable Access to Knowledge”

Venue: Faculty Hall, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Date : 23 Oct 2018 (Tuesday) | Time : 4pm

Open Access (OA) seeks to return scholarly publishing to its original purpose: to spread knowledge and allow that knowledge to be built upon. Price barriers should not prevent students, researchers (or anyone) from getting access to research they need. Open Access, and the open availability and searchability of scholarly research that it entails, will have a significant positive impact on everything from education to the practice of medicine to the ability of entrepreneurs to innovate.

1. Arul George Scaria – National Law University, Delhi

  1. Carl Malamud – Public.Resource.Org
  2. Pranesh Prakash (Moderator)  –  Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore
  3. Richard Poynder – Journalist (covering OA movement around the world) 
    5. S Nayana Tara – Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
  4. Shahid Jameel – Welcome Trust DBT India Alliance

There will be High Tea at 5.30 pm. Please join us!

Please confirm your participation via RSVP:

This event is a part of International Open Access week activities planned at IISc Bangalore, organized by DST-Centre for Policy Research at IISc in association with National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Karnataka State Library Association (KALA), JRD Tata Memorial Library, Science Policy Group (SPG) and International Scientific and Technological Education Program (i-STEP).

International Open Access Week (October 22-28, 2018) is a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The event is celebrated by individuals, institutions and organizations across the world, and its organization is led by a global advisory committee. This is an important opportunity to catalyze new conversations, create connections across and between communities that can facilitate this co-design, and advance progress to build more equitable foundations for opening knowledge. The official hashtag of Open Access Week is #OAweek.

Talk “Chinese Rural S&T Development Policies and Practices: Introduction and Outlook”, 27 December 2018



“Chinese Rural S & T Development Policies and Practices: Introduction and Outlook”

Venue: Seminar Hall, Centre for Society and Policy, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Date : 27 December 2018 (Thursday) | Time : 4.00 pm

DST Centre for Policy Research
Centre for Society and Policy
Indian Institute of Science

invites you to the seminar in the Policy Lecture Series entitled

Chinese Rural S&T Development Policies and Practices: Introduction and Outlook
Dr. Zhuqing Xu
[Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED), Beijing]

at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, 27 December 2018 in the Seminar Hall of the Centre for Society and Policy (next to the Health Centre), IISc.

Dr. Xu will introduce different stages of Chinese rural S&T development policies in the last 40 years. Focusing on the top-down policy system and the bottom-up
local practices, she will explain why the rural S&T development become incredibly important after the central government launched the Rural Revitalization and
what should the Chinese government do to foster a flourishing Innovation and Entrepreneurship environment in Rural China.

Speaker biosketch: Dr. Zhuqing Xu is an Associate Researcher of Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CASTED), affiliated to Ministry of
Science and Technology of CHINA. She got her PhD Degree from Renmin University of China in 2012. Her research areas are Science, Technology and Innovation
Policy, Rural Development based on ICTs, Poverty Alleviation, Rural Entrepreneurship by S&T.

All are Welcome.

Suryesh K Namdeo

Suryesh K Namdeo

Suryesh K Namdeo

Project Scientist

Suryesh is currently a Project Scientist contributing to the science diplomacy, biosecurity and open science projects at the Centre. He has worked with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in Geneva as the science and technology consultant for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). Here, his responsibilities included facilitating science diplomacy efforts for the BWC. He also prepared a long-term multi-stakeholder engagement strategy for the BWC.

He is a member of the Indian National Young Academy of Sciences (INYAS) where he is the coordinator for international relations. He is the Director of Outreach and Engagement of the Journal of Science Policy and Governance (JSPG). He has been a part of the Youth4Disarmament and Youth4Biosecurity initiatives of the United Nations. Here, he had the unique privilege to be a part of the drafting committee of the UN supported ‘Seoul Youth Declaration for Disarmament and Non-proliferation’ and the ‘Youth Declaration for Biosecurity’.

He has earlier worked as the Programme Officer for the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy Fellowship Programme of the Department of Science and Technology at the Centre. His responsibilities included the overall coordination of the programme, capacity development and partnership building.

He is a member of the executive team of the Science Policy Forum, an open, independent and collaborative platform that aims to strengthen science policy linkages. Here, he was a member of the core team managing its Emerging Technologies Initiative in partnership with NEST Division, Ministry of External Affairs and the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India.

He holds a PhD in molecular biology from the Max Planck Institute for Biology, Tübingen, Germany. He also holds a Master’s degree from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune and a Diploma in Biology from JNCASR Bengaluru. He has published several peer-reviewed articles and participated in international workshops and conferences around the world.

Recent Publications:

UN conference report on ‘Science and Technology Developments: Benefits and Risks for the Biological Weapons Convention’. United Nations (2023).

Emerging biological risks: The shadow side of technological progress. IndiaBioscience (2023).

‘Multi-stakeholder Engagement Strategy to strengthen the Biological Weapons Convention’ submitted to the UN (2023).

Identification of strategic international partnerships among emergent global artificial intelligence policies. Cambridge Journal of Science Policy (2023).

India’s G20 Presidency: Charting the course of international science policy. IndiaBioscience (2023).

The contours of space diplomacy in the Global South AAAS Journal Science & Diplomacy (2023).

8 Strategies to communicate science effectively to policymakers. Apolitical (2023).

Science and Technology Advancements and Biosecurity: New Horizons. Journal of Chemical and Biological Weapons (2022).

Youth Declaration for Biosecurity

Seoul Youth Declaration for Disarmament

Namdeo, S. K., & Goveas, J. J. (2021). Indian Innovation Diplomacy: Choices, Challenges and Way Ahead. Science Diplomacy Review. Volume 2, Issue 3.

Namdeo, S.K., & Koley M. (2021). Citizen Science in India: Introduction, Challenges, and Way Forward. DIALOGUE-Science, Scientist, and Society. link: 

Koley M., & Namdeo S.K., and Bhathacharjee S. Digital Technologies for Open and Equitable Sharing of Scholarly Knowledge in India.

Namdeo, S. K. & Parvatam, S. (2021, March 4). Citizen science- A solution to fake information? No. 526 [Audio podcast episode 526]. In All things Policy. The Takshashila Institution.

Goveas, J.J. & Namdeo, S. K. (2021, February 18). A toast to the Indian decade of innovation. Times of India

Namdeo, S. K. & Parvatam, S. (2021, February 7). ‘Citizen Science’ can help India boost its scientific understanding, curb what’s app pseudo-science. The Print.

Namdeo, S. K. & Parvatam, S. (2020, November 5). Overdue: a formal internship policy in India that protects its students. The Wire Science.

Namdeo, S.K., Goveas, J.J. & Manjegwah, Z. (2020, September 7). Looking Inside InnSciD SP 2020. Science Policy Forum. Retrieved from

Namdeo, S. K. (2020, August 24). Towards an Internship Policy in STEM. Science Policy Forum.

Discussion Forum on “Global Equity, Libraries and Open Access”, 26 October 2018

Discussion Forum


“Global Equity, Libraries and Open Access”

Venue: SERC Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Date : 26 Oct 2018 (Friday) | Time : 5.30 pm

Dear All, The DST- Centre for Policy Research at the Indian Institute of Science and J.R.D. Tata Memorial Library, IISc.,  are pleased to invite you to a
Discussion Forum on “Global Equity, Libraries and Open Access”

Venue: SERC Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Date : 26 Oct 2018 (Friday) | Time : 5.30 pm


Subbiah Arunachalam (DST-Centre for Policy Research, IISc),
T.A. Abinandanan (Indian Institute of Science),
Madhan Muthu (Azim Premji University),
Hamsa Kalayani (National Institute of Advanced Studies),
Francis Jayakanth (JRD Tata Memorial Library, IISc), and  
Leena Shah (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Please confirm your participation via RSVP:

There will be High Tea at 5.00 pm. Please join us!

This event is a part of International Open Access week activities planned at IISc Bangalore, organized by DST-Centre for Policy Research at IISc in association with National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Karnataka State Library Association (KALA), JRD Tata Memorial Library, Science Policy Group (SPG) and International Scientific and Technological Education Program (i-STEP).

International Open Access Week (October 22-28, 2018) is a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The event is celebrated by individuals, institutions, and organizations across the world, and its organization is led by a global advisory committee. This is an important opportunity to catalyze new conversations, create connections across and between communities that can facilitate this co-design, and advance progress to build more equitable foundations for opening knowledge. 

The official hashtag of Open Access Week is #OAweek.

Panel Discussion on “Equitable Access to Knowledge” 23 October 2018

Panel Discussion


“Equitable Access to Knowledge”

Venue: Faculty Hall, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Date : 23 Oct 2018 (Tuesday) | Time : 4pm

Open Access (OA) seeks to return scholarly publishing to its original purpose: to spread knowledge and allow that knowledge to be built upon. Price barriers should not prevent students, researchers (or anyone) from getting access to research they need. Open Access, and the open availability and searchability of scholarly research that it entails, will have a significant positive impact on everything from education to the practice of medicine to the ability of entrepreneurs to innovate.

1. Arul George Scaria – National Law University, Delhi

2. Carl Malamud – Public.Resource.Org

3. Pranesh Prakash (Moderator)  –  Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore

4. Richard Poynder – Journalist (covering OA movement around the world) 
5. S Nayana Tara – Indian Institute of Management Bangalore

6. Shahid Jameel – Welcome Trust DBT India Alliance

There will be High Tea at 5.30 pm. Please join us!

Please confirm your participation via RSVP:

This event is a part of International Open Access week activities planned at IISc Bangalore, organized by DST-Centre for Policy Research at IISc in association with National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), Karnataka State Library Association (KALA), JRD Tata Memorial Library, Science Policy Group (SPG) and International Scientific and Technological Education Program (i-STEP).

International Open Access Week (October 22-28, 2018) is a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research. The event is celebrated by individuals, institutions and organizations across the world, and its organization is led by a global advisory committee. This is an important opportunity to catalyze new conversations, create connections across and between communities that can facilitate this co-design, and advance progress to build more equitable foundations for opening knowledge. The official hashtag of Open Access Week is #OAweek.

Science Policy Group

Science Policy Group

Science Policy Group

Dear all,

We are looking for motivated individuals from IISc and its sister organizations: NCBS, ICTS, RRI, JNCASR and NIAS – who have a keen interest in engaging in Science Policy related activities – to take up leadership roles as part of the core team of the newly forming ‘Science Policy Group’. This group is facilitated
and supported by DST-Centre for Policy Research at IISc. The group aims to plan and execute various activities (awareness, communication, engagement,
capacity-building and advocacy) to act as a platform for the broader Science-Policy interface; and build channels with various science advisory mechanisms and agencies.

Bachelors, masters, doctoral, postdoctoral, and research scholars – all are welcome!

We are looking for diversity by all means!!! Please come forward to join us in what’s going to be an exciting and enriching journey!!!

Kindly fill in your details here: 


  1. Sheth BP, Basha CB and Roy I. Workshop Report on Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research. Current Science 2018; Vol 118 [Accepted for publication]
  1. Reddy M, Basha CB. Data-Collection Methodology for R&D Statistics – Indian Scenario and International Comparison. 2017. Report submitted to Policy Research Cell, DST, India
  1. Rani M T, Madhan M, Arunachalam S, Abinandanan T A. Chemistry research in India as seen from InCites 2006-2015. Report submitted to Policy Research Cell, DST, India 
  1. Rani M T, Madhan M, Arunachalam S, Abinandanan T A. Engineering research in India: An analysis based on papers indexed in InCites for the period 2006-2015. Report submitted to Policy Research Cell, DST, India
  1. Rani M T, Madhan M, Arunachalam S, Abinandanan T A. Materials Science Research in India: An analysis based on papers indexed in InCites for the period 2006-2015. Report submitted to Policy Research Cell, DST, India
  1. Pandey P. EU-India Meeting on Advanced Biofuels. New Delhi 2018, Report submitted to Biofuels Working Group, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India.

Research Articles

  1. Arunachalam S, Madhan M. Adopting ORCID as a unique identifier will benefit all involved in scholarly communication. The National Medical Journal of India 2016; Vol 29, No. 4, pp. 227–234.


  1. Muthu M, Kimidi SS, Gunasekaran S, Arunachalam S (2016) Should Indian researchers pay to get their work published? Current Science 2017; Vol 112, No. 4, pp. 703-713.


  1. Arunachalam, S. and Madhan, M. and Gunasekaran, S. Chemistry research in India: making progress, but not rapidly. Current Science 2017; Vol 112, No. 7, pp. 1330-1339.
  1. Madhan M, Gunasekaran S, Arunachalam S. Evaluation of research in India: Are we doing it right? Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, Published online on March 23, 2018. DOI: 10.20529/IJME.2018.024


  1. Subbiah Arunachalam. Social Justice in Scholarly Publishing: Open Access Is the Only Way. The American Journal of Bioethics 2017: Vol 17, No. 10, pp. 15-17, DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2017.1366194


  1. Francis Jayakanth and Muthu Madhan. Open Access for Engineers and Engineering. IEEE India Info 2017; Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 53-57.


  1. Chagun Basha. Mapping Indian National STI to Garner 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Proceedings of RIS-ITEC Capacity Building Programme on Science Diplomacy, New Delhi 2017: pp 43-46.


  1. Pandey P, Desai P.N, Chaturvedi S. Towards a Global TA. [Accepted for publication, KIT Scientific Publishing, Germany 2018]
  1. Pandey P, Dutt. U. RRI’s Commitment to Care and Vulnerabilities of Agricultural Systems: A Case of Rice Straw Burning in India. [Manuscript under review for Science, Technology and Society, Sage Publication 2018]
  1. Pandey P. What Values Drive Innovation? A Socio-Cultural Analysis of Academia-Industry Interaction for Nanobiotechnology in India. [Paper peer-reviewed and accepted for presentation in Globelics conference 23-25 October 2018, Accra, Ghana]


  1. Pandey P, Valkenburg G. All we want is to get rid of the straw’: How Biofuel Policies Need to Take Account of Different Visions of Biomass. [Under review for Energy Policy]

Policy Internship Opportunity – 2018: Department of Science and Technology – Centre for Policy Research (DST-CPR- IISc) , Bengaluru

Policy Internship Opportunity – 2018: Department of Science and Technology – Centre for Policy Research (DST-CPR- IISc) , Bengaluru

Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) are now recognized as playing a significant role in advancing human, social, and economic development and meeting the aspirations of people and nations across the world. As a result, understanding STI processes and exploring ways to strengthen them is a major strand of intellectual activity, evinced by the explosion of literature on these topics in the last decade. Department of Science and Technology (DST) recognized the importance of evidence-driven research and analysis in underpinning the effective achievement of the objectives of this policy and established DST Centers for Policy Research (CPRs) in various academic institutions across the country. These centers are engaged in targeted research in number of key areas relevant to the country, train young scholars in STI policy research, and contribute towards providing inputs to DST.

As the country is lagging behind in terms of critical mass and proper structure of policy research institution(s), Policy Research Cell of DST had announced STI Policy Fellowship Programme. in 2016 with the broad objective of (a) enhancing human resources that can engage with and contribute to the STI policy domain and (b) strengthen the knowledge base, think tank, and evidence based policy making. The 3rd Call for STI Policy Fellowship is announced to provide an opportunity to develop the skills for young scientists and engineers who are interested in engagement with the STI policy domain and/or as STI policy researchers. This programme aims to attract and encourage top-quality researchers as POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW (Max 10 numbers) to work on the issues pertaining to STI policy and contribute their knowledge and analytical skills in the policy realm.

Candidates with background of science/medicine/engineering/ social science (with a background of STI policy) academic scholars, STI policy researchers, with good academic record are required to submit their application (including a proposal of maximum 5 pages on empirical research on STI related policy issues), in prescribed format available at DST website through ONLINE MODE ONLY ( The proposal preferably on the issues pertaining to thematic areas of the candidates’ desired DST-CPR or Policy Research Group in academic/research institutions must be formulated though consultation with the mentor from the respective Centre/group. No Need to send the hard copy of the application to DST. Any other information’s related to the DST-STI Post-doc Fellowship programme may be enquired, if needed from:- Dr. Akhilesh Mishra, Scientist D, Department of Science and Technology, Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016 email: Phone: 011-26590254.

Last Date of Submission: June 10th, 2018.

The complete details of the fellowship can be found at:

Please Note: Those who wish to pursue their proposed project at DST-Centre for Policy Research at IISc Bengaluru through this fellowship, may kindly get in touch with, (no later than 10 days before the last date of submission)

Prof. T. A. Abinandanan


DST-Centre for Policy Research

Indian Institute of Science,

Bangalore – 560 012


[Applicants may note that R&D related proposals will not be considered. Proposal must be on STI policy related issues only]